Construct the models of the ornithopter and the aerial screw, and then read...
Non è sempre facile scegliere dei regali di Natale per i bambini che li rendano felici ma che, allo stesso tempo, possano essere un valido aiuto per la loro crescita. Le opzioni tra cui scegliere sono infinite, ma tra queste ne abbiamo una davvero speciale: un libro o un libro-gioco. Potrebbe sembrare una cosa banale e, ormai, sorpassata, ma non è così: regalare un libro a un bambino è un investimento prezioso per il suo sviluppo emotivo, intellettuale e creativo. In questo articolo non ti proporremo solo delle idee regalo di Natale per bambini, ma ti daremo degli spunti interessanti per capire il motivo per cui se regalerai un libro al tuo bambino gli farai un enorme favore. Scoprirai, infatti, come i libri siano un valido alleato per:
· imparare in modo divertente e leggero
· assicurarti che il tuo bambino sviluppi la sua creatività
· creare dei ricordi che durino nel tempo
Imparare in modo divertente e sereno
I libri e i libri-gioco sono degli strumenti straordinari per l’apprendimento: attraverso le pagine di un libro, i bambini possono scoprire nuovi concetti, ampliare il loro vocabolario e sviluppare competenze linguistiche, in modo giocoso e coinvolgente. E l’esperienza diventa ancora più immersiva grazie alla componente ludica, come la costruzione di un puzzle o di un modellino. Per questo sono degli ottimi regali di Natale per bambini: farai diventare il processo di apprendimento un’avventura emozionante, anziché un compito noioso. Ecco alcune delle nostre proposte per imparare in modo divertente e sereno:
· Puzzle 2: per i bambini dai 2 anni in su, una collana di 10 piccoli puzzle per imparare i primi concetti, come le forme, i colori, gli opposti e i numeri.
· Q-Box: dedicata ai bambini a partire dai 4 anni, una collana di puzzle da 40 pezzi, su cui posizionare delle sagomine, accompagnati da un libro cartonato di 10 pagine che aiuta a imparare tante parole tramite l’associazione con le immagini.
· Viaggia, conosci, esplora: una collana di puzzle scientifici su svariati temi per bambini dai 6 anni in su, con un libretto ricco di informazioni e un puzzle di circa 200 pezzi.
· Scienziati e inventori: questi cofanetti sono dei perfetti regali di Natale per bambini di 8 anni: faranno conoscere loro alcuni degli inventori più famosi della storia, come Leonardo da Vinci o Gustave Eiffel, e a sviluppare la loro manualità costruendo dei dettagliati modellini.
Assicurarti che il tuo bambino sviluppi la sua creatività
I libri sono portali magici che aprono la porta a un’immaginazione senza limiti. Le pagine trasportano i bambini in mondi fantastici, e permettono loro di incontrare personaggi straordinari e di vivere avventure incredibili. I libri e i libri-gioco, quindi, sono un’idea regalo di Natale per bambini che li ispira a sviluppare la propria immaginazione, incoraggiandoli a esplorare il mondo con occhi curiosi. Di seguito troverai alcuni dei nostri prodotti che permetteranno al tuo bambino di mettere in gioco la sua creatività:
· Libri con stickers e attività: una serie di valigette con tantissime attività e stickers: i bambini potranno colorare, divertirsi a uscire da intricati labirinti, aguzzare la vista per trovare le differenze, e attaccare tanti adesivi usando la propria creatività. È uno tra i più bei regali di Natale per bambini dai 3 anni che puoi fare!
· Arts&Crafts: è una collana pensata per i bambini dai 4 anni. Dentro alla valigetta c’è un libro di attività con adesivi e trasferelli, con pagine da colorare, scenari su cui incollare gli stickers e tanto altro. Oltre a essere un regalo di Natale per bambini a poco prezzo, è anche un pensiero perfetto per stimolare l’immaginazione!
· Raccontacarte: un cofanetto adatto a tutte le età ispirato al Giardiniere dei sogni con un set di 30 carte e la versione con copertina flessibile del nostro best-seller. Questo gioco, didattico e divertente, coinvolgerà i bambini nell’esplorazione della loro immaginazione.
Creare dei ricordi che durino nel tempo
Leggere un libro aiuta a creare dei ricordi duraturi. Immagina quei dolci attimi in cui ti siedi accanto al tuo piccolo, abbracciati sotto una coperta calda, pronti a esplorare il mondo attraverso le pagine di un libro: non sono solo semplici momenti di lettura, ma anche ricordi preziosi che durano per sempre. I libri diventano compagni di avventure, i custodi di segreti e le guide nel viaggio straordinario della crescita. Scopri i nostri libri illustrati, per immergerti in racconti simpatici, commoventi, emozionanti e profondi, adatti a tutte le età, e fai di ogni storia un capitolo della vostra storia meravigliosa. È sì un’idea regalo di Natale per i bambini, ma anche per voi stessi.
Se ancora ti stai districando tra la miriade di regali di Natale per bambini e non sai cosa scegliere, pensa che regalare libri e libri-gioco ai bambini è come piantare un seme prezioso che crescerà con loro nel corso della vita. È un gesto carico di significato, che va oltre il presente, creando tra di voi un legame profondo. Ogni pagina è un’opportunità per condividere risate, imparare qualcosa di nuovo e creare ricordi che saranno custoditi nel cuore per sempre.
E al tuo bambino piace ricevere dei libri come regalo di Natale? Scrivicelo nei commenti!
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A new title in the successful Travel, Learn, Explore series that illustrates...
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A poetic tale that expresses love for the written word and reading. Easy to...
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Set contains a small book and an eye-catching specially shaped puzzle.
Everything’s ready to celebrate Easter in the beautiful spring meadow.
A story filled with wisdom dedicated to the importance of love between a...
A charming story about the importance of affection and physical contact with...
Put together the detailed puzzle and read the book to learn all about the...
Little monster Rosicchio manages to chew his way through the pages of this book!
Box contains a book that tells the fascinating story of one of the world ’s...
In eight fantastic books you’ll read about the fascinating world of dinosaurs...
Eight sturdy books with fantastic illustrations teach you all about colors,...
Put together the detailed puzzle and read the book to learn all about the...
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An innovative round puzzle of the human body with 10 large pieces to insert...
Assemble the oval puzzle to see the interesting animals that live on each...
Take a journey beyond the atmosphere to discover many curiosities about...
Read the rhyming story and build the giant puzzle!
Read the story in the board book and learn all about vehicles!
A board book with rhyming story and a large puzzle perfect for small hand.
A giant puzzle of 30 pieces adapted for the smallest hands and a beautifully...
Learn all about opposites with a book and a puzzle.
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The box is embellished with sparkling foil!
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A box embellished with foil containing a giant easy-to-assemble 60-piece puzzle.
A box embellished with foil containing a giant easy-to-assemble 60-piece puzzle.
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With a large model in sturdy cardboard that reproduces a medieval castle in...
A very sweet book dedicated to the importance of reconciliation with those we...
An exhilarating reading set in the wilderness of Sweden.
A book full of poetry that delicately addresses the theme of the loss of...
A case decorated with foil contains a brightly coloured and easy-to-assemble...
A case decorated with glitter contains a brightly coloured and...
A sweet story about friendship, sharing and lending a hand to those in need.
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The box contains a 220-piece puzzle and 32-page book that teach all about...
Contains a 10-page illustrated book with fun stories about the jungle and a...
A book containing a 30-piece puzzle and a 10-page book about life on the farm.
Read all kinds of facts in the book, then test your memory by assembling a...
A 10-page booklet and a 20-piece puzzle to develop fine manual skills,...
A 10-page book and a puzzle with 10 giant pieces to build a train and learn...
Look how big the Milky Way is, observe the craters on the moon, follow comets...
A 10-page booklet and a 20-piece puzzle to develop fine manual skills,...
A 10-page booklet and a 20-piece puzzle to develop fine manual skills,...
Assemble the puzzle and read all about Paris in this fantastic book about the...
A book about bullying.
You will discover how all fit perfectly with their surroundings, just like in...
A book that handles the topic of pollution in a gentle and light-hearted...
With 10 blocks, children engage in fun and interactive learning, develop...
Assemble the tower to make a rocket and solar system.
Assemble the tower to make a rocket and solar system.
Happiness is best when shared with others. A sweet story about the joy of...
Learn to recognise the shapes of animals by reading the fun rhymes in the book.
Discover them all by flipping through the pages of the booklet and building...
Discover them all by flipping through the pages of the booklet and building...
Assemble the puzzle, play with the dancers and read all about them in their...
Assemble the puzzle, play with the dancers and read all about them in their...
An exhilarating adventure at school, centered on friendship and the...
A new title of Travel, Learn and Explore series dedicated to seas and oceans,...
A new title of Travel, Learn and Explore series dedicated to seas and oceans,...
Explore this fascinating reference filled with facts and answer all your...
An easy-to-to reference in a Q&A format that helps curious minds analyse...
A story that shows how friendship can help you overcome any obstacle.
Discovering them together will help us understand that the whole planet is...
A hilarious story, with a surprise ending, about the value of inclusion and...
A fascinating tale suspended between man and nature, in search of one’s place...
This sweet story explains that the memories we hold in our hearts are special...
Assemble the puzzle and discover the animals that populate the various...
Build a model of the Fokker Dr.1, the celebrated triplane flown by famous...
Learn the alphabet by playing with this fantastic pull-and-play book! Read...
Learn to count by opening the pages of this fantastic pull-and-lay book!...
The box contains: 40 question-answer cards, a 64-page atlas and a 500-piece...
A great board game classic for learning colours by playing!
A box decorated with glitter details containing a 10-page book, a 40-piece...
With 10 illustrated cubes to build a tower, make learning more fun and...
A 10-page book and a giant 20-piece puzzle giant pieces to create a toy train...
With a wooden xylophone in pastel colours!
A cute 10-page booklet with lots of make-up tips to play with the 9...
With 12 wooden shapes!
With 12 wooden shapes!
Learn the names of the major dinosaurs from the Jurassic Era and all the...
Learn the names of the major dinosaurs from the Jurassic Era and all the...
The box contains an atlas full of information, 40 cards with questions about...
The box contains an atlas full of information, 40 cards with questions about...
An easy-to-read atlas that stimulates curiosity, analytical skills and...
An easy-to-read atlas that stimulates curiosity, analytical skills and...
Discover the secrets of the rainbow with Luce.
This gentle tale shows how we are all afraid of something, but dear friends...
This suspenseful narrative, both realistic and fanciful, takes readers on a...
Here's a new (mis)adventure! Carlotta and her class are ready for a...
An adaptation of a beloved story about the true meaning of Christmas.
A new Christmas masterpiece from author Emma Yarlett. Beautiful illustrations...
An illustrated book celebrating the joy of giving, and the importance of love...
A new title in a round box format dedicated to Christmas, containing a...
A new edition containing a 30-piece puzzle and a book with a cute rhyming...
A new edition containing a 30-piece puzzle and a book with a cute rhyming...
A sweet story of tenderness and a hug that smells of family, to explain how...
This illustrated book gently and playfully guides children as they transition...
This rhyming story uses sweet characters to show children that life without a...
This imaginative rhyming story helps prepare children for the arrival of a...
An easy-to-read atlas which, thanks to its question-and-answer approach,...
This volume explores fascinating facts about the people of the world. Using...
This volume explores fascinating facts about the people of the world. Using...
A thrilling book about the value of freedom.
Through the power of acceptance, everyone can feel included and special, no...
Through the power of acceptance, everyone can feel included and special, no...
An intense and moving story that, with a poetic narration, teaches us to look...
An illustrated book that gently teaches us not to withdraw into ourselves and...
A new title of the Travel, Learn and Explore series, about the great...
This gentle, touching story of the death of a dear friend, Bear, introduces...
A new title in the successful Travel, Learn, Explore series that illustrates...
A new title in the Travel, Learn, Explore series dedicated to the world's...
A new title in the Travel, Learn, Explore series dedicated to the world's...
Sharon has a new little brother, sweet as a kitten. An exhilarating...
A set of 30 cards e da and a 32-page diary in an elegant box in delicate...
A set of 30 cards e da and a 32-page diary in an elegant box in delicate...
A set of 30 beautifully illustrated cards and a 32-page booklet in an elegant...
A set of 30 beautifully illustrated cards and a 32-page booklet in an elegant...
A set of 30 beautifully illustrated cards and a 32-page illustrated book to...
A set of 30 beautifully illustrated cards and a 32-page illustrated book to...
A set of 30 beautifully illustrated cards and a 32-page picture book for for...
A sweet story about the life of the garden.
This rhyming story uses sweet characters to show children that life without a...
This sweet rhyming story uses surprising twists to teach children the basics...
Il primo volume di una nuova collana di narrativa da leggere tutta d'un fiato!
Another series of "Carlottesque" catastrophes that will disappear with...
A poetic tale about the good and bad times in life that make us proud to be...
A poetic tale about the good and bad times in life that make us proud to be...
A poetic story about kindness that explains that kindness comes in all...
A funny story that underlines the importance and power of children’s...
A poetic story about kindness that explains that kindness comes in all...
The large box contains 40 cards question-and-answer, a 64-page atlas, a...
Discover the secrets of the animal kingdom in the 40 question and answer...
This book in the What, How, Why series explores various aspects of the human...
This book in the What, How, Why series explores various aspects of the human...
This book in the What, How, Why series explores various aspects of the seas...
A new sound book with refined illustrations and sweet rhymes dedicated to...
A wonderful library to help you learn colours through fun illustrations....
A wonderful library to help you learn colours through fun illustrations....
A wonderful library to help you discover the creatures of the sea, through...
A wonderful library to help you discover the creatures of the sea, through...
Before the beginning of time, the dragon Vaia flew all alone in the Universe....
Through the elements of Space, children will learn many basic notions, such...
The fascinating world of princesses is waiting for you! Among tiaras, jewels,...
It’s never easy for a child to leave a parent for the first time—and it can...
It's bedtime, but where's Nibbles? He's munching his way through other...
A delightful book that deftly tackles the fear of the dark, providing...
A delightful book that deftly tackles the fear of the dark, providing...
A story about dreaming, the power of words and the meaning of happiness.
A story about the power of love.
A story about the power of love.
A book with an innovative design dedicated to colours, enriched with inserts...
A complete activity book with colouring pages, stickers, figure decals and...
The box contains 40 question and answer cards, a 64-page atlas, a 500-piece...
The box contains 40 question and answer cards, a 64-page atlas, a 500-piece...
Learn this chapter of history explained in a simple and fun way, recreating...
A complete activity book with colouring pages, stickers, figure decals and...
A complete activity book with colouring pages, stickers, figure decals and...
A complete activity book with colouring pages, stickers, figure decals and...
A complete activity book with colouring pages, stickers, figure decals and...
A complete activity book with colouring pages, stickers, figure decals and...
A complete activity book with colouring pages, stickers, figure decals and...
An illustrated fable about the enduring love between grandparents and...
An illustrated fable about the enduring love between grandparents and...
A complete activity book with colouring pages, stickers, figure decals and...
A complete activity book with colouring pages, stickers, figure decals and...
Read the book, discover lots of interesting facts and have fun building...
A complete activity book with colouring pages, stickers, figure decals and...
A complete activity book with colouring pages, stickers, figure decals and...
An educational game that encourages the learning of basic concepts through...
An educational game that encourages the learning of basic concepts through...
Read the adorable stories and listen to the ten enchanting nature sounds as...
Another series of "Carlottesque" catastrophes that will disappear with...
A box with iridescent details containing a 10-page book, a 40-piece puzzle...
Discover the magical world of Unicorns! Flip through the booklet, build the...
A book with sweet illustrations and iridescent detail on every page. This...
An educational game that encourages the learning of basic concepts through...
An educational game that encourages the learning of basic concepts through...
An educational game that encourages the learning of basic concepts through...
A Christmas story dedicated to the beauty of thinking for yourself and...
A Christmas story dedicated to the beauty of thinking for yourself and...
100 stickers, 200 decals and a special tracing pen to complete and colour the...
Learn fascinating facts about the sea creatures, take care of your planet and...
Take them with you everywhere! Learning by reading and playing was never so...
A wonderful library to help you learn colours through fun illustrations....
Take them with you everywhere! Learning by reading and playing was never so...
Hardback book with lift-up windows, box with iridescent cdetails and 28 memo...
Hardback book with lift-up windows, box with iridescent details and 28 memo...
Hardback book with lift-up windows, box with iridescent details and 28 memo...
An activity book from the illustrated book of the same name with 200...
A gentle caring story about letting go of transitional objects.
An illustrated book dedicated to the importance of empathy and discovering...
A gentle caring story about letting go of transitional objects.
An illustrated book dedicated to the importance of empathy and discovering...
A poetic tale that uses the duality of sun and rain metaphorically to discuss...
A poetic tale that uses the duality of sun and rain metaphorically to discuss...
A playbook for developing concentration and learning numbers!
Recognise the images and learn your words while playing!
Recognise the images and learn your words while playing!
"Le (stra)ordinarie (dis)avventure di Carlotta" is a fresh and sincere...
A lovely shaped book about the immense love dads have for their little ones.
A lovely shaped book about the immense love dads have for their little ones.
This small shaped book, accompanied by a sweet rhyming text and tender...
This small shaped book, accompanied by a sweet rhyming text and tender...
A complete activity book with colouring pages, stickers, figure decals and...
A complete activity book with colouring pages, stickers, figure decals and...
A complete activity book with colouring pages, stickers, figure decals and...
A complete activity book with colouring pages, stickers, figure decals and...
A book that is a hymn to the irruption of a new life into the world, intended...
This gentle, touching story of the death of a dear friend, Bear, introduces...
A complete activity book with colouring pages, stickers, figure decals and...
A complete activity book with colouring pages, stickers, figure decals and...
A complete activity book with colouring pages, stickers, figure decals and...
A complete activity book with colouring pages, stickers, figure decals and...
A book with delicate illustrations, enriched on each page with iridescent...
A book that addresses the theme of anxiety in children with tact and...
A book that addresses the theme of anxiety in children with tact and...
From tiny insects to huge mammals, the animal world is truly diverse and...
The beautiful illustrations and easy-to-read text make this book a practical...
An encyclopaedia featuring beautiful colour illustrations and simple...
Another series of laugh-out-loud 'Carlottesque' catastrophes.
A sound book to learn to associate images with sounds and stimulate learning.
A sound book to learn to associate images with sounds and stimulate learning.
This educational sound book matches images with sounds and encourages learning.
A classic card game in a fresh and innovative version designed for the little...
A classic card game in a fresh and innovative version designed for the little...
The famous game of ‘Happy Families’ presented in a version perfect for the...
The famous game of ‘Happy Families’ presented in a version perfect for the...
The famous ‘Happy Families’ game presented in a version perfect for the...
A classic card games in a innovative version designed for the little ones,...
Hardback book with lift-up windows, box with iridescent cdetails and 28 memo...
Hardback book with lift-up windows, box with iridescent cdetails and 28 memo...
Hardback book with lift-up windows, box with iridescent cdetails and 28 memo...
Hardback book with lift-up windows, box with iridescent cdetails and 28 memo...
Hardback book with lift-up windows, box with iridescent cdetails and 28 memo...
A shaped book about the immense love of mothers for their little ones.
A shaped book about the immense love of mothers for their little ones.
This small book in the shape of a starfish is an excellent opportunity to...
This small book in the shape of a starfish is an excellent opportunity to...
Recognise the images and learn your shapes while playing!
Recognise pictures and learn colours by playing!
Recognise pictures and learn colours by playing!
A book with delicate illustrations, enriched on every page with iridescent...
The instant a new little heart begins to beat, mothers' hearts light up,...
A sweet dedication to the teachers who accompany the classes during the...
A magical illustrated book for adults and children about life's big and small...
With a lovely little wooden heart to keep for comfort in difficult times.
A new masterpiece from author Emma Yarlett. Beautiful illustrations and...
An innovative book full of different activities for children aged three and...
A classic card games in a innovative version designed for the little ones,...
A classic card games in a innovative version designed for the little ones,...
A sound book to learn to associate images with sounds and stimulate learning.
This sound book associates images with sounds and encourages learning.
This sound book associates images with sounds and encourages learning.
A book with an innovative design dedicated to colours, enriched with inserts...
Circle, square, rectangle... discover shapes with this book! Follow the...
An innovative designed book dedicated to the basic concepts of opposites,...
A book with an innovative design dedicated to colours, enriched with inserts...
An innovative book full of different activities for children aged three and...
An innovative book full of different activities for children aged three and...
A classic card game in a fresh and innovative version designed for young...
A classic card game in a fresh and innovative version designed for young...
Thanks to this colourful shaped book, children will learn about this busy and...
Thanks to this colourful shaped book, children will learn about this busy and...
With this colourful flower-shaped book, children will discover nature's...
With this colourful flower-shaped book, children will discover nature's...
Discover the inhabitants of the sea! Flip through the booklet, build the...
Discover the inhabitants of the sea! Flip through the booklet, build the...
Discover all the most beautiful flowers! Leaf through the booklet, build the...
A practical case decorated with glitter containing a rhyming book and a 3D...
A practical glitter-decorated case containing a rhyming book and a 3D...
A new sound book with refined illustrations and sweet rhymes dedicated to...
Press and listen to the sounds of the animals in the woods!
Press and listen to the sounds of the animals in the countryside!
An easy-to-read atlas which, thanks to its question-and-answer approach,...
An innovative book full of different activities for children aged three and...
An innovative book full of different activities for children aged three and...
An innovative book full of different activities for children aged three and...
An innovative book full of different activities for children aged three and...
A colorful illustrated book that helps little ones name their negative...
A delightful illustrated book that encourages even the youngest children to...
A powerful story dedicated to inclusion and the beauty of a world where the...
Emotional and comforting, Il filo deals with the delicate subject of...
Inside the box: one 32-page coloring book with instructions inside three 3D...
Inside the box: one 32-page coloring book with instructions inside three 3D...
A box decorated with iridescent details containing a 10-page book, a 40-piece...
A box decorated with iridescent details containing a 10-page book, a 40-piece...
A shaped book about the immense affection of grandmothers for their...
A shaped book that tells of the special bond that unites grandfathers and...
A set consisting of 30 tenderly illustrated cards and a 32-page booklet...
A set consisting of 30 beautifully illustrated cards and a 32-page booklet...
A set consisting of 30 beautifully illustrated cards and a 32-page booklet...
An original set of flash cards to teach young children to recognise emotions.
An original set of flash cards to teach young children to recognise emotions.
An original set of flash cards to go over all the activities of their day...
An original set of flash cards to go over all the activities of their day...
Read the book, discover lots of interesting facts and have fun building...
A tale inspired by the story of Élise Deroche, born in Paris on August 22,...
A sweet story of a unique friendship with five envelopes to open and five...
A box with iridescent details containing a 10-page book, a 40-piece puzzle...
A new edition of a great classic filled with refined and elegant illustrations.
A 32-page book decorated with carvings and enriched by fine illustrations...
Read a great classic of children’s stories in an innovative format.
A box with iridescent details containing a 10-page book, a 40-piece puzzle, 4...
A box with iridescent details containing a 10-page book, a 40-piece puzzle, 4...
A gentle invitation to look at the needs of others with the eyes of the...
A book that delicately deals with the subject of relationships in separated...
A nice walk in the forest is just the thing to discover its shy and friendly...
A nice walk in the forest is just the thing to discover its shy and friendly...
A shaped book about the magic and joy of Christmas.
A shaped book about the magic and joy of Christmas.
Inside you will find a book with lots of information and all the parts...
Inside you will find a book with lots of information and all the parts...
Inside the box: one 32-page coloring book with instructions inside three 3D...
Inside the box: one 32-page coloring book with instructions inside three 3D...
Inside the box: one 32-page coloring book with instructions inside three 3D...
Inside the box: A 32-page activity book to colour in 12 models of mermaids...
A moving and romantic story to reflect on our idea of beauty and its real...
An adventurous picture book with flaps and peep-through cut-outs on every...
A funny and surprising story that catapults Father Christmas into Wonderland,...
A gentle journey alongside a baby bear just out of hibernation to discover...
Press and listen to the sounds of the animals in the jungle!
Press and listen to the sounds of the animals in the savannah!
A new book by gnawing author Emma Yarlett, which follows the chaotic...
A story dedicated to those who fight against Alzheimer's with the strength of...
A tender and profound book with dreamy illustrations dedicated to the love...
A cute Christmas story celebrating the importance of supporting each other...
A sound book dedicated to Christmas with ten famous Christmas melodies. Just...
The box with iridescent details contains a 40-piece puzzle, 3 shapes, a steam...
They have christened me 'Mystery Boy', and I am all over the newspapers and...
The story of Pinocchio in the form of a board game, with an illustrated...
A tender story of friendship dedicated to the true meaning of Christmas.
A book that delicately addresses the issue of family conflicts from the point...
A new book by award-winning author Britta Teckentrup dedicated to the...
A new book by award-winning author Britta Teckentrup dedicated to the...
Lift the little windows inside the book and discover lots of interesting...
Lift the little windows inside the book and discover lots of interesting...
Lift the little windows inside the book and discover lots of interesting...
Lift the little windows inside the book and discover lots of interesting...
A book with an innovative design dedicated to colours, enriched with inserts...
A book with an innovative design dedicated to colours, enriched with inserts...
An elegant box set inspired by a great bestseller to give a kiss to someone...
A poetic and moving love story about feelings that are kept deep in the heart...
An interactive book in which the child, through simple activities, becomes...
An interactive book in which the child, through simple activities, becomes...
A hymn to love in all its forms, looking beyond the surface, beyond...
A story full of poetry that reminds us that each of us is an extraordinary...
A sound book with simple, delicate illustrations and six delightful sounds,...
A sound book with simple, delicate illustrations and six delightful sounds of...
The story of the 3 little pigs in board game version, with an illustrated...
With a delightful little wooden star to keep for inspiration and...
An illustrated book full of sweetness that normalises adult emotions and...
Another series of laugh-out-loud 'Carlottesque' catastrophes.
A sweet illustrated book with a rhyming text inspired by the famous...
A sweet illustrated book with a rhyming text inspired by the famous...
This book by award-winning author Emma Yarlett is being made into a Netflix...
A sound book with simple, delicate illustrations and six delightful sounds,...
A sound book with simple, delicate illustrations and six delightful sounds of...
An illustrated book full of sweetness that normalises adult emotions and...
A sweet story about the importance of recognising and valuing true love.
A fun story that will not only help children learn to count, but also to...
This beautiful book encourages readers to notice the small and big things...
A story that reminds us that each of us is neither early nor late, but simply...
From the author and illustrator of A Shelter For Sadness, a touching new tale...
A book with spectacular illustrations that touches the deepest chords of the...
A board book dedicated to the youngest children who, by following Little...
A board book dedicated to the youngest children who, following Little Koala’s...
A board book dedicated to the youngest children who, following Little Koala’s...
A board book dedicated to children who, following the story of Little Owl,...
A board book dedicated to children who, following the story of Little Owl,...
A board book dedicated to young children who, following the story of Little...
A box embellished with iridescent details contains a ten-page book, a...
A box with iridescent details containing a 10-page book, a 40-piece puzzle...
A box decorated with iridescent details containing a 10-page book, a 40-piece...
A box decorated with iridescent details containing a 10-page book, a 40-piece...
A box with iridescent details containing a ten-page book, a 40-piece puzzle...
Read all kinds of facts about the Earth in the book, then test your memory by...
Read all kinds of facts about the Earth in the book, then test your memory by...
Go on an adventure in space like a real astronaut! Read the book, build the...
Go on an adventure in space like a real astronaut! Read the book, build the...
Read the book, assemble the 130 cm high 200-piece puzzle and discover all the...
Read the book, assemble the 130 cm high 200-piece puzzle and discover all the...
A kit consisting of 50 stickers, 200 decals and a 32-page book to discover...
A kit consisting of 50 stickers, 200 decals and a 32-page book to discover...
A kit consisting of 50 stickers, 200 decals and a 32-page book to discover...
A romantic illustrated story of friendship, trust and loyalty that encourages...
A rhyming dedication by a mother to her puppy, telling how life changes in a...
A rhyming story full of poetry and meaning, told through carved pages and...
On the occasion of the 2024 Olympics in Paris, a comprehensive booklet and a...
Nature is wonderful and impressive: earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic...
An interactive book in which the child, through simple activities, becomes...
A book with a compact and innovative design dedicated to animals, enriched...
A book with a compact and innovative design dedicated to animals, enriched...
An innovatively designed book dedicated to the basic concepts of opposites,...
An innovatively designed book dedicated to the basic concepts of opposites,...
The story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in board game version, with 2...
An underwater world, an unhappy love, a moving and evergreen tale. The...
A 32-page book with precious laser carvings presents a great classic of...
With 20 cards, 15 wooden pieces including bees, corollas and coloured...
The second volume in Katja Brandis' adventurous bestselling series about the...
Read the adorable stories and listen to the ten enchanting nature sounds as...
Read the adorable stories and listen to the ten enchanting nature sounds as...
Read the adorable stories and listen to the ten enchanting nature sounds as...
Read this sweet tale and listen to ten wonderful sounds of nature that will...
Inside the box: A 32-page activity book to colour in 12 models of mermaids...
Inside the box: A 32-page activity book to colour in 12 models of mermaids...
The mega box contains: A 32-page activity book to complete with giant...
The mega box contains: A 32-page activity book to complete with giant...
It’s never easy for a child to leave a parent for the first time—and it can...
A 10-page book and a giant 20-piece puzzle giant pieces to create a toy train...
A 10-page booklet and a 20-piece puzzle to develop fine manual skills,...
A puzzle with 10 giant pieces teaches how to count from 1 to 10. Have fun...
The box contains a 64-page atlas, 40 question-and answer science cards, a 3D...
The large box contains 40 cards question-and-answer, a 64-page atlas, a...
Nature is wonderful and impressive: earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic...
A picture book dedicated to all those who have lost the company of their...
A 10-page booklet and a 20-piece puzzle to develop fine manual skills,...
A 10-page book and a puzzle with 10 giant pieces to build a train and learn...
An innovative book full of different activities for children aged three and...
An innovative book full of different activities for children aged three and...
An innovative book full of different activities for children aged three and...
An innovative book full of different activities for children aged three and...
An innovative book full of different activities for children aged three and...
An innovative book full of different activities for children aged three and...
An innovative book full of different activities for children aged three and...
An innovative book full of different activities for children aged three and...
A 10-page book of a literary classic for children and a 30-piece illustrated...
A 10-page book of a literary classic for children and a 30-piece illustrated...
A 10-page book of a literary classic for children and a 30-piece illustrated...
A 10-page book of a literary classic for children and a 30-piece illustrated...
Lively and original illustrations, all kinds of interesting experiments and a...
A 10-page booklet and a 20-piece puzzle to develop fine manual skills,...
Inside you will find a book with lots of information and all the parts...
Inside you will find a book with lots of information and all the parts...
The box contains an atlas full of information, 40 cards with questions about...
The box contains 40 question and answer cards, a 64-page atlas, a 500-piece...
The box contains an atlas full of information, 40 cards with questions about...
Discover the secrets of the animal kingdom in the 40 question and answer...
Silicone weaning plate with a suction base, decorated with the patient sloth...
Silicone weaning plate with a suction base, decorated with the wise elephant...
Silicone weaning plate with a suction base, decorated with the brave lion...
Silicone weaning plate with a suction base, decorated with the resourceful...
Silicone weaning plate with a suction base, decorated with the lovely unicorn...
Silicone weaning plate with a suction base, decorated with the strong...
Silicone weaning plate with a suction base, decorated with the sweet bear...
Silicone weaning plate with a suction base, decorated with the curious fox...
Silicone suction bowl for weaning, decorated with Gnawy the patient sloth.
Silicone suction bowl for weaning, decorated with Chewy the wise elephant.
Silicone suction bowl for weaning, decorated with Chompy the brave lion.
Silicone suction bowl for weaning, decorated with Slurpy the resourceful...
Silicone suction bowl for weaning, decorated with Sparkly the lovely unicorn.
Silicone suction bowl for weaning, decorated with Cracky the strong dinosaur.
Silicone suction bowl for weaning, decorated with Munchy the sweet bear.
Silicone suction bowl for weaning, decorated with Crunchy the curious fox.
Silicone straw cup for toddlers, with handles and a straw lid, decorated with...
Silicone straw cup for toddlers, with handles and a straw lid, decorated with...
Silicone straw cup for toddlers, with handles and a straw lid, decorated with...
Silicone straw cup for toddlers, with handles and a straw lid, decorated with...
Silicone straw cup for toddlers, with handles and a straw lid, decorated with...
Silicone straw cup for toddlers, with handles and a straw lid, decorated with...
Silicone straw cup for toddlers, with handles and a straw lid, decorated with...
Silicone straw cup for toddlers, with handles and a straw lid, decorated with...
Silicone lunch box for toddlers, perfect for tagging along with little...
Silicone lunch box for toddlers, perfect for tagging along with little...
Silicone lunch box for toddlers, perfect for tagging along with little...
Silicone lunch box for toddlers, perfect for tagging along with little...
Silicone lunch box for toddlers, perfect for tagging along with little...
Silicone lunch box for toddlers, perfect for tagging along with little...
Silicone lunch box for toddlers, perfect for tagging along with little...
Silicone lunch box for toddlers, perfect for tagging along with little...
Silicone weaning cutlery decorated with Gnawy the patient sloth.
Silicone weaning cutlery decorated with Chewy the wise elephant.
Silicone weaning cutlery decorated with Chompy the brave lion.
Silicone weaning cutlery decorated with Slurpy the resourceful octopus.
Silicone weaning cutlery decorated with Sparkly the lovely unicorn.
Silicone weaning cutlery decorated with Cracky the strong dinosaur.
Silicone weaning cutlery decorated with Munchy the sweet bear.
Silicone weaning cutlery decorated with Crunchy the curious fox.
Silicone food catcher bib decorated with Gnawy the patient sloth.
Silicone food catcher bib decorated with Crunchy the curious fox.
Silicone food catcher bib decorated with Chewy the wise elephant.
Silicone food catcher bib decorated with Chompy the brave lion.
Silicone food catcher bib decorated with Slurpy the resourceful octopus.
Silicone food catcher bib decorated with Sparkly the lovely unicorn.
Silicone food catcher bib decorated with Cracky the strong dinosaur.
Silicone food catcher bib decorated with Munchy the sweet bear.
Children silicone placemat, eating with Gnawy the patient sloth will be fun!
Children silicone placemat, eating with Chewy the wise elephant will be fun!
Children silicone placemat, eating with Chompy the brave lion will be fun!
Children silicone placemat, eating with Slurpy the resourceful octopus will...
Children silicone placemat, eating with Sparkly the lovely unicorn will be fun!
Children silicone placemat, eating with Cracky the strong dinosaur will be fun!
Children silicone placemat, eating with Munchy the sweet bear will be fun!
Children silicone placemat, eating with Crunchy the curious fox will be fun!
Kids stainless steel water bottle, explore the world with Gnawy the patient...
Kids stainless steel water bottle, explore the world with Chewy the wise...
Kids stainless steel water bottle, explore the world with Slurpy the...
Kids stainless steel water bottle, explore the world with Cracky the brave...
Kids stainless steel water bottle, explore the world with Munchy the sweet bear!
Kids thermal straw water bottle, explore the world freely with Gnawy the...
Kids thermal straw water bottle, explore the world freely with Chewy the wise...
Kids thermal straw water bottle, explore the world freely with Sparkly the...
Kids thermal straw water bottle, explore the world freely with Chompy the...
Kids thermal straw water bottle, explore the world freely with Slurpy the...
Kids thermal straw water bottle, explore the world freely with Cracky the...
Kids thermal straw water bottle, explore the world freely with Munchy the...
Kids thermal straw water bottle, explore the world freely with Crunchy the...
Spacious sloth backpack for preschool, patient Gnawy will be the perfect...
Spacious elephant backpack for preschool, wise Chewy will be the perfect...
Spacious lion backpack for preschool, brave Chompy will be the perfect school...
Spacious dinosaur backpack for preschool, strong Cracky will be the perfect...
Spacious octopus backpack for preschool, resourceful Slurpy will be the...
Spacious unicorn backpack for preschool, lovely Sparkly will be the perfect...
Spacious fox backpack for preschool, curious Crunchy will be the perfect...
Spacious bear backpack for preschool, sweet Munchy will be the perfect school...
Mini preschool backpack, resourceful Slurpy will be the perfect school and...
Mini preschool backpack, patient Gnawy will be the perfect school and...
Mini preschool backpack, brave Chompy will be the perfect school and...
Mini preschool elephant-shaped backpack, wise Chewy will be the perfect...
Mini preschool backpack, strong Cracky will be the perfect school and...
Mini preschool backpack, lovely Sparkly will be the perfect school and...
Mini preschool backpack, curious Crunchy will be the perfect school and...
Mini preschool backpack, sweet Munchy will be the perfect school and...
Kids lunch bag, eating away from home will be a blast with Chewy the elephant.
Kids lunch bag, eating away from home will be a blast with Chompy the lion.
Kids lunch bag, eating away from home will be a blast with Sparkly the lovely...
Kids lunch bag, eating away from home will be a blast with Cracky the dinosaur.
Stroller organizer bag, Chewy the wise elephant will be an excellent...
Stroller organizer bag, Crunchy the curious fox will be an excellent...
Stroller organizer bag, Chompy the brave lion will be an excellent adventure...
Stroller organizer bag, Sparkly the lovely unicorn will be an excellent...
Recycled PET children's plastic lunch box, perfect for accompanying little...
Recycled PET children's plastic lunch box, perfect for accompanying little...
Recycled PET children's plastic lunch box, perfect for accompanying little...
Recycled PET children's plastic lunch box, perfect for accompanying little...
Children's toy box, learn to tidy up with the wise elephant Chewy!
Children's toy box, learn to tidy up with the brave lion Chompy!
Children's toy box, learn to tidy up with the strong dinosaur Cracky!
Children's toy box, learn to tidy up with the lovely unicorn Sparkly!
Children's toy basket, learn to tidy up with the lovely unicorn Sparkly!
Children's toy basket, learn to tidy up with the strong dinosaur Cracky!
Children's toy basket, learn to tidy up with the brave lion Chompy!
Children's toy basket, learn to tidy up with the wise elephant Chewy!
Floor Montessori wooden bookcase, the wise elephant Chewy will be a great...
Floor Montessori wooden bookcase, the lovely unicorn Sparkly will be a great...
Floor Montessori wooden bookcase, the brave lion Chompy will be a great...
Floor Montessori wooden bookcase, the strong dinosaur Cracky will be a great...
Play mat storage bag from the patient sloth Gnawy, perfect for transporting...
Play mat storage bag from the lovely unicorn Sparkly, perfect for...
Play mat storage bag from the strong dinosaur Cracky, perfect for...
Play mat storage bag from the wise elephant Chewy, perfect for transporting...
A book with delicate illustrations, enriched on each page with iridescent...
A book with delicate illustrations, enriched on every page with iridescent...
A dedication to all those who are about to start school, so that it will be...
A dedication to all those who are about to start school, so that it will be...
For one little panda cub, days spent with Granny are always the best days of...
For one little lion cub, days spent with Grandad are always the best days of...
A touching letter to be read aloud to the class, which will make every pupil...
A profound and moving letter written by a teacher to all pupils, wishing them...
A 10-page book of a literary classic for children and a 30-piece illustrated...
A 10-page book of a literary classic for children and a 30-piece illustrated...
A 10-page book of a literary classic for children and a 30-piece illustrated...
A 10-page book of a literary classic for children and a 30-piece illustrated...
A poetic illustrated book that delicately deals with the theme of losing a...
A poetic and moving story dedicated to all those who are afraid to show their...
A beautifully coloured autumn album that invites you to live in harmony with...
When we go through a storm, it is hard to believe that a rainbow will appear...
A poetic and touching celebration of the beauty of all the names, traditions...
A box with iridescent details containing a 10-page book, a 40-piece puzzle...
A colourful rhyming book with which children learn to observe the changes in...
So many changes all around us! A colourful rhyming book with which children...
A tender rhyming poem and a hymn to love for the little ones, the beating...
A book for young children to help them understand their emotions, both...
A book for young children to help them understand their emotions, both...
A book for young children to help them understand their emotions, both...
A sound book with simple, delicate illustrations and six delightful sounds,...
A sound book with simple, delicate illustrations and six delightful sounds,...
A sound book with simple, gentle illustrations and six delightful sounds to...
A sound book with simple, gentle illustrations and six delightful sounds to...
A sound book with simple illustrations and six sounds that help children...
A sound book with simple illustrations and six sounds that help children...
A sound book with simple, gentle illustrations and six delightful sounds that...
A sound book with simple, gentle illustrations and six delightful sounds that...
A sound book with simple, delicate illustrations and six sounds that will...
An innovative book full of different activities for children aged three and...
An innovative book full of different activities for children aged three and...
An innovative book full of different activities for children aged three and...
An innovative book full of different activities for children aged three and...
The mega box contains: One 32-page colouring book with giant stickers 4 masks...
The mega box contains: One 32-page colouring book with giant stickers 4 masks...
Experience all the emotion of Advent by marking the days with these 24 little...
Learn and have fun with lots of Christmas-themed games! A
Learn and have fun with lots of Christmas-themed games!
A sound book with simple, delicate illustrations and six delightful sounds,...
Which animals live in the jungle? Discover, together with the little panther,...
A sound book with simple, delicate illustrations and six delightful sounds,...
A sound book with simple, delicate illustrations and six delightful sounds,...
A sound book with simple, delicate illustrations and six delightful sounds,...
A sound book with simple, delicate illustrations and six delightful sounds,...