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The present information on the processing of personal data (hereinafter, “Privacy Policy”) refers to the website www.sassijunior.com, including areas dedicated and reserved for registered users and pages dedicated to e-commerce (hereafter, the “Website”) and describes the activities and methods of processing personal data performed by the company Sassi Editore s.r.l through its Website.


The data controller is the company Sassi Editore s.r.l. (hereinafter also “Sassi Editore” or “Company”), with registered office in Schio (VI) Viale Roma 122 / B, VAT no. 03336080241, contactable by phone at +39 0445 523772 or by e-mail at info@sassieditore.it.

Sassi Editore recognises the importance of the privacy of its users and is committed to respecting it. Sassi Editore processes the personal data of the user (“Personal Data”) when the user visits the Website, uses the e-commerce channel and uses the other services and functionalities present on the Website. The Privacy Policy has been drafted in compliance with Recommendation n. 2/2001, adopted on 17 May 2001 by the Article 29 Data Protection Working Party, in relation to the minimum requirements for online data collection in the European Union and represents further information subjects pursuant to Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation no. 679/2016 ("GDPR") and applicable national legislation (together, “Privacy Policy”). The Privacy Policy specifies who the data controller is, who controls and manages the Personal Data collected and processed through the Website, what personal information is collected, for what purposes and how the Personal Data are processed, the disclosure of the data to third parties and any transfer abroad, the security measures taken to protect such data and the manner in which the user can verify the processing of data concerning him/her and exercise the rights recognised by the Regulations on Privacy.

The present information is in any case realised only for the Website and for the activities carried out and the services rendered by Sassi Editore and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user through links and/or activities carried out by third parties. In the case of consultation of other websites, it is recommended to consult the respective privacy policies.


1.1 Navigation data

The visit and consultation of the Site do not generally involve the collection and processing of the User's Personal Data. The processing of Personal Data of users who visit and consult the Site is limited to what is referred to as navigation data the transmission of which is necessary for the functioning of the computer systems and the programs necessary for the operation of the Site but which by their very nature could, in association with other data, permit the identification of users. This category includes, for example, IP addresses (internet protocol) or domain names of the computer used to visit the Site, as well as other parameters relating to the operating system used by the user to connect to the Site. The acquisition of navigation data occurs automatically and unavoidably and can be used for the sole purpose of obtaining statistical information on the use of the Site and to verify its correct functioning. If expressly required, such data may be used by the Public Authority to ascertain responsibility in the case of commission of computer crimes to the detriment of the Site and/or third parties, in accordance with the procedures in force with the competent Authorities. With the exception of this eventuality, the navigation data described above are only temporarily stored in compliance with the applicable regulations.

1.2 Data provided voluntarily by individual users

Further, Sassi Editore collects and processes Personal Data provided voluntarily by individual users to:

[a] allow the user access to the part of the Site dedicated to the e-commerce of the products of Sassi Editore and consequently allow the user to complete all the purchase procedures, as well as to allow Sassi Editore to carry out all the various administrative, commercial, accounting and tax activities deriving from online sales and to give, more generally, execution to the existing legal obligations in this regard;

[b] contact Sassi Editore by filling out the format set up on the “contact” page or by sending an e-mail to the Company to one of the addresses listed on the “contact” page, interacting with the Website functions, requesting the services offered by the Website, filling in other specific formats for accessing reserved sections of the Website (e.g., portal for registered users);

[c] make known to the user, by sending advertising and informative material through periodic e-mails, information regarding the products and services of Sassi Editore as well as any other commercial or non-commercial initiatives launched by the latter.

The Personal Data that Sassi Editore collects and processes include common personal data such as name and surname, province of residence and contact information such as addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail.

For payments by credit card or Pay Pal, all payment details (e.g., card number or expiry date) will be handled directly by the operators of these forms of online payment. Sassi Editore receives only the communication of the payment order by credit card or other possible means of payment, but does not know the details of the credit card or other data and details related to the payment.

For payment by bank transfer, Sassi Editore will know only the identification data of the current account of payment execution (e.g., Iban, name and surname of the account holder).


The data will be processed both manually and with the help of electronic tools to answer and manage requests for information, contact details, and questions and communications from users; to provide the services requested through the Site, including access to e-commerce and to the area dedicated to registered users and for all the purposes indicated in paragraph 1.2 [a], [b] and [c] above.

Personal Data will be stored for a period of time not exceeding that necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected and, in any case, not more than that required by applicable law.


The provision of Personal Data for the purposes referred to in paragraph 1.2 [a] and [b] above is necessary to allow Sassi Editore to process orders received via e-commerce; to answer and manage requests for information, contact details, questions and communications from users; and to provide all other services requested through the Site, including access to the area reserved for registered users. In case of failure to provide Personal Data for the purposes referred to in point 1.2 [a] and [b] Sassi Editore will be unable to fulfil these requests and services.

The provision of Personal Data for the purposes referred to in paragraph 1.2 [c] above, is necessary to allow Sassi Editore to inform the user about the products and services of the latter, the latest news, as well as any potential and further initiatives, commercial or not, started by the company. In case of failure to provide Personal Data for the purposes referred to in point 1.2 [c], Sassi Editore will not send the user any of the said information.


Personal Data are accessible to persons acting as external Managers appointed by Sassi Editore and, as data processors, to the staff of Sassi Editore involved in the provision of services and functionalities in each instance offered by the Company according to criteria of necessity.

Personal Data may be disclosed to entities, authorities, public institutions and legitimate recipients pursuant to the law in compliance with laws and regulations; Personal Data can be made accessible to professionals and independent collaborators, also organised in an associated form, third party suppliers of professional and technical services, functional to the processing purposes indicated in point 2 above and assisting Sassi Editore in the legal, tax, social security and accounting and/or organisational areas, who will act as managers or persons in charge of processing, depending on the case, without prejudice by this latter to the adoption of the criteria of security and protection of Personal Data in line with current legislation.

Personal Data will not be transferred outside the European Union.

Personal Data will in no case be subject to disclosure.


The Website uses cookies and other technologies for reading and/or storing information on the user's device.

Please read the cookie policy available at www.sassijunior.com/cookie-policy/.


At any time the user can exercise the rights recognised by Articles 15 - 22 of the GDPR, including, for example, the right to obtain confirmation of the existence of Personal Data concerning the user, to verify Its content, origin and exactness, to request Its integration, updating, rectification, cancellation, anonymisation and portability. The user can oppose in whole or in part, or request the limitation of the processing of data for legitimate reasons.

For any questions or requests regarding the processing of the Personal Data and the exercising of the rights recognised by the GDPR, the user can contact Sassi Editore at the following address: info@sassieditore.it.


The Privacy Policy is subject to changes and updates and the version currently in force is that published on the Site. Changes to the Privacy Policy are communicated via publication on the Site. Please periodically check the Privacy Policy to be informed of any changes.

The information acquired, pursuant to Article 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679, regarding the processing of personal data, the user:

gives consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes indicated in lett. [C] (for the performance of commercial activities by the Supplier)